The Eagles Nest

When a new moon strikes an overblown page
highlighting the changes that life has wrought
changing your story to lies and half-truths
you suddenly know you must start anew
so you find a clean slate and you write and delete
You write and delete, then you write again
wrestling images out of your chalk
naming the changes that life has wrought
listing the joys that you sought for so long
piling the words on the slate until all of the ache of past failures
— all of the problems and unsolved pains —
are buried beneath an eagles nest
within reach of a window where a lone figure sits
She sits and she thinks and she writes and deletes

She writes and deletes
then writes again
wrestling images out of her chalk
Naming the changes that life has wrought
listing the joys she sought for so long
piling the words on the page
trying to hide the problems and pains

but the nest is too small
to contain them all.

©Jane Paterson Basil

21 thoughts on “The Eagles Nest

  1. Why does this poem remind me of reading “The Highwayman”? Is it the rhythm? I love it.

    When a new moon strikes an overblown page
    highlighting the changes that life has wrought
    changing your story to lies and half-truths
    you suddenly know you must start anew
    so you find a clean slate and you write and delete
    You write and delete, then you write again
    wrestling images out of your chalk…

    Wonderful description of life changes.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh Jane, I’mfeeling everyone of your insightful words… Somehow I know your poem of pain and enlightenment……..
    Here I am weeping…… It’s life’s coincidence Jane, at this very moment, I’m writing about my journey over the passed 18 years, pains, trials and tribulations…… A poem story, a tale of dark times and eventually a candle of light…..
    Actually I’m not sure what to say, except that I found your poem encouraging and brave ..xxxxxxx
    ………… I’ll keep writing, I’ll keep wrestling with images, I’ll keep deleting and then I’ll write some more
    Thank you Jane, I love your presence in my life……..xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a lovely thing to say, Ivor.

      It’s strange how this poem came about. A few weeks ago I had an idea for a custom header and I wanted a background of words. They didn’t have to be profound, just intriguing. I had no idea of what to write, but I was looking at the moon, and suddenly the words were flowing. I didn’t think, just let it just happen. In the end I changed my mind about the header, but I found this poem again yesterday. I hardly had to edit at all.

      Keep writing your story. It will be painful at times, and you probably won’t immediately experience the catharsis people speak about. Instead you will gradually become aware that you have not been crippled, but have grown to full stature.

      A candle of light – that sounds interesting xxxxx


      1. Oh Jane, isn’t it funny how words flow for us sometimes, when we don’t even try, and they’re nearly always the best.
        I stopped writing my story, but I shall go back to it. Looks like I have to have a break from those words and thoughts every now and then….

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I can understand that. When I wrote my story I was so gripped that I couldn’t stop. I learned a lot about my childhood. It kick-started me into remembering events that I’d blocked out, with the result that I felt furious with my deceased father for quite a while afterwards. But it was a good thing in that it stopped me obsessing about my children’s addictions.

        It’s different for you. I can see how you might need to take a rest sometimes.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right; I do like it, especially the instrumentals. If Leonard Cohen hadn’t stolen my heart with his music and words i would probably listen to it often. Speaking of which, I have a friend who has just joined the Leonard Cohen fan club, in the hope of finding a man out there. She says that she’s finally realised she can’t be in a relationship with a man who doesn’t feel the same passion for him 🙂


  3. The nest is too small……….. I think mine overflows at times too. Is it a process we all go through and accumulate as part of life and learning?

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Those shopping lists… I just put them some place safe and I usually find them a couple of days, or weeks, after the shopping is done. If only I could remember what I wrote then the exercise would be worthwhile.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Even if I take them with me and check off everything I buy, I still manage to miss something. I think we have all been cursed by a witch who hates supermarkets, or food halls, or whatever you call them in your neck of the woods.


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